The term ‘wood borer’ covers many types of wood boring beetles, some with wonderful names like Auger, Jewel, Stag and Pinhole Borers. But whatever they are called, you’ll want to say goodbye to them.
Wood borers are wood damaging insect that invade and damage structural and furniture wood based on the type and moisture content of the wood. All homes or businesses constructed of natural wood are at risk to wood borer infestations.
Wood borers belong to the family of beetles whose larval or adult forms eat and destroy wood. They are important in the turnover of trees by culling weak trees, thus allowing new growth to occur, but in homes they can cause severe damage to furniture. They are commonly detected a few years after new construction. Wood Borers turn wood into a mass of wood dust. The tiny pin hole in a wooden surface is a symptom of wood borer attack. Wood borer infestations are far more likely to happen in areas with high humidity, such as poorly-ventilated crawl spaces.
Here are some helpful facts about Wood Borers:
Adult beetles lay their eggs in wood cracks. They infest floorboards, furniture, wooden beams and any other wooden objects in your property.
Larvae burrow deep into the wood where they feed and in the process they make a maze of tunnels over several years.
If infestation left untreated, timbers within a building can be weaken and may lead to structural failure of timbers..
Wood boring beetles treatment is an expert’s job and requires extensive inspection.
Once they are identified, we use special syringes to inject Wood Preservative chemicals into the holes made by the wood borers to combat the wood borer infestation in your wooden furniture.
We also spray these chemicals that contain a petroleum base to prevent further damage.
Our Wood borer Control service makes sure that in approximately 7-15 days they disappear, unlike other chemicals that only repel them and cause them to spread while damaging your property.
Within the contract period if you have a complaint after a service; our technicians will resolve it at no extra charges.
With an Extended Warranty, if you face any problem post your contract expiry our technicians will resolve it at no extra charges.
Inspect timber and wood products when selecting, if possible or when delivered to your home for infestation holes.
Use wood that has been kiln or air dried to reduce moisture as that is favorable to wood-infesting beetles.
Firewood should be debarked, split (to speed drying), and stored away from structures.
Reduce moisture inside the home with proper ventilation, drainage and dehumidifiers.
Treat unfinished wood with a borate product (solvent based insecticide before sealing) to prevent damage from wood-destroying organisms.
Infested branches or limbs of trees outdoors can be turned.
We offer the best pest control services in India. Best in class chemicals approved by Central Insecticides Board are used against target pests at recommended dosages.
Our pest control service is safe for children, pets, pregnant women and persons with allergy.
Local pest control service providers use cheap chemicals that only repel termites and cause them to spread further while damaging your property. Hicare uses non-repellent chemical that kills even the last termite present in the premises.
Our technicians are verified, highly skilled and trained.
All thanks to the HiCare technicians I finally came to know that the furniture in my house was not affected by termite but it was wood borer. After the wood borer service today my furniture is absolutely safe.
We have devoted customer care unit that answer any and all the queries of the client at any point of time.
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